Reddit Comments Search: How to Search a Post’s Comments on Reddit

When it comes to finding and discussing topics in deep lengths, Reddit is the place to go for many of us. With over 50 million active users sharing their thoughts and opinions daily, the platform’s comment section is where people find valuable insights and information across a wide range of topics.

However, when a post has accumulated a lot of comments, sifting through them could become quite daunting. Until now, the only way users could search for specific words within a post’s comments section was by using the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut (CMD + F on macOS), but this tool was inefficient since it could only search for keywords from the comments that were loaded on the screen. This made the keyboard shortcut less useful as you had to scroll downwards to reveal more comments and then use the shortcut again to search for all the comments in a post.

With the latest update, Reddit has made searching for comments within a specific post easier. You can easily use the search tool within a post you opened to look for particular keywords mentioned in the comments section of a post, and that’s what we’re going to explain in this post.

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How to search comments within a post on Reddit

With the native search functionality, you can easily search for comments with specific keywords inside a particular post. The feature is available on Reddit’s web client as well as its mobile apps on Android and iOS. You can follow the instructions below to search for specific comments inside a Reddit post. 


To search for comments inside a Reddit post, launch on a web browser on your computer and then click on a post from your home page, subreddit, or your profile from where you want to search for comments. 

When the selected post opens in full view, scroll down and click on the Search comments box, located below the comment text box. 

Here, type the keyword you want to use as a filter to search for comments inside this post and then press the Enter key on your keyboard. 

Reddit will now only show comments with the searched keywords. All the comments with the searched keyword will be highlighted in blue and you can scroll through them to look for the relevant info. 

Although the search results reveal all comments with specific keywords, Reddit doesn’t highlight the keywords in the results nor lets you jump from one result to the other. You can use the CTRL + F keyboard shortcut (CMD + F on macOS) to search for a keyword manually to enhance this search. This shortcut would work on most web browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari

Since Reddit’s comment search reveals all the comments (without needing to load more comments, like before) with your searched keywords, you can pair this function with the CTRL (CMD) + F keyboard shortcut to jump from one instance to another. For example, we used the keyboard shortcut to search for the same keywords as above in Firefox. 

When you use the keyboard shortcut, Firefox will highlight the searched keywords. You can use the up and down arrows to skip from one result to the other or further enhance your search using the tools provided.

Once you’re done searching for comments with a certain keyword, you can scroll up to the search bar under the comments box and click on the X icon inside the search box to clear the keyword and enter a new one. 

If you wish to view all the other comments inside a particular post, click on All Comments on the right-hand side of this search bar. 

Related: How to Change Your Reddit Username

On Android/iOS

Reddit’s new comment search tool is also available on its mobile apps on Android and iOS. To search for comments within a post, first, open the Reddit app on your iPhone or Android device. 

Inside the app, select the post you want to search inside. This could be a post from your home screen, discover, subreddit, search results, or your profile. 

Once the post opens on the next screen, tap on the Search icon at the top. 

This will open the search bar at the top that would allow you to search for comments in the selected post. 

Inside the search bar, type the keywords you want to search within the comments of the post, and then tap on the Search/Enter key on your phone’s keyboard. 

Reddit will now load all the comments that include the searched keywords below the original post under the “Comment with <keyword>” section. All the comments with the searched keyword will be highlighted in grey and you can scroll through them to look for the relevant info.

To clear the keyword from the search bar, tap on the X icon inside the search bar. 

If you wish to get back to viewing all the comments inside a particular post, tap on Cancel at the top right corner. You should be able to see all the comments on this post. 

That’s all you need to know about searching comments within a post on Reddit. 

Related: Am I Shadowbanned on Reddit? How to Find and Avoid it

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Ambivalent, unprecedented, and on the run from everyone's idea of reality. A consonance of love for filter coffee, cold weather, Arsenal, AC/DC, and Sinatra.

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